A New Year!!!!

Happy New Year!! I hope all have had a great holiday and are ready to start this brand new year. Make this year a time for renewal in body, in spirit and in service. Remember the Savior as our greatest example of charity for others and use this in maginfying your callings.
Children- I hope you can sset small goals this year to improved yourself and in turn those around you. Be tho Example to the world is your call and duty. Remember children have more influence on the world than adults do. You can change your neighborhood, your school and your family by being a example of love and charity. Read your scriptures daily-5min a day will change your spirit and your attitude. Heavenly Father loves each one of you and want to hear from you daily. Pray often and you will hear the promptings of the spirit to help you in everyday things.
I love each one of you and I am excited to have this year together. Obey your parents, listen to your teachers and pray often, these will help you to be the example to can be to others around you.
Sis. Pyle